
Summer's End

   hello it has been awhile, a whole summer honestly. i've done a lot of things since last talking here. We ended up moving out to the country. Brought my trailer, n my gf is living in the studio so I get my own space. We have a couple dozen chickens and dont need to pay for eggs anymore which is poggers. I was in texas for July, saw some shows. Me and my GF got dumped by puppygirl so im wading through those feelings (week in bed, guitar covers, yknow.). I went to Makah Days festival again. Spent money I didnt have and didnt really get to do all the things I wanted to do, like see the Slahal or traditional dances, cause I was on my sister's time, and she had a lot going on she needed to get back home to. Its cool though, I saw some lighthouses on the drive back which for me has always symbolized a nod from the universe that I'm on the right path, that theres better things ahead. I still feel crazy a lot of the time, like my emotions and body dont match or arent real. My rel

hi sometimes

 I'm all caught up with school work !!! I have been really busy with all that. I just submitted like 6 late Writing projects, and i have 4 watercolor pieces due in 5 days. Just thought I'd come here and say whats up. Its been about a month- sounds about right. went to see panchiko with glaze in portland with my girlfriends. we met up w our other homies n went to ikea the day after. it was cool! my mom got us an air fryer, that totally rocks. I think we went on a mall date at some point this month? Pretty rad, played a bunch of ski-ball. Oh, and the other day we went to go see Heathers the Musical!!! That was fucking rad. I think we are moving a bit out to the country this month and I have a lot of work to do getting the trailer ready. But I'm so excited for the opportunity. I'm planning on cleaning out this circular shed to use as a music/art studio. Theres gonna be chickens and rabbits too, hopefully. Here's hoping !  Cya around !!!!

Fright end post

 oh god my months have flown by, i have been getting fucked up and letting the rain fucking pour. I visited Texas over spring break, it had been a year. I never know if its a mistake or not to go back. I miss my family and thats always what fuels it initially. Then i get so scared when I arrive and fritter all my time away with my friends. Whom I also miss dearly. I love my nicky girl she lets me crash with her. more cozy there than at my parents'. She has a trundle just for me. And my Furfags who let me crash at their house; we walked up the road to a Christmas themed bar, drinks are cheaper in texas. Love those guys so much. I was a mess most of the time, had scored k and come off a week of other shit before even going, and the whole idea was last minute. I dont know if I feel the need to chronicle everything here that happened, it mostly feels quite private. I saw friends bands play, ate some yum food, got real. somehow it was also all the hardest and worst. When I came back to

end of march ramble (been a party animal SORRY MOM)

 yeah yeah its been a month whatever. all day here to myself while cat gf is off running errands, which of course takes 10x longer cause of bureaucracy and brokeness. I decided i was so texas homesick i couldn't get anything done for a while. Planned a last second trip back. I have been partying all month..... sleep got screwed but its back on track now. My cat gf's bday went awesome, everyone came over to old sister's house and we grilled while cat gf got a tattoo of our baby boy Sphinx cat Nigel. Got pretty buzzed and gone. Oh man and the day before that, Dog gf's older sister came to town and took us out on her dime! got us like 4 rounds! AND CALZONES!!!! Shit gets really bad like really bad but then it gets better sometimes. We went to a reptile expo the other day, saw some amazing guys. I got bit by a scared rosy milk snake, poor thing. Cat GF saw an 8Ball python, i didnt see it but it sounded insane. Dog GF found some new baby ratties, getting sold by some dykes s


 I have been so gone. i've been in girlfriend land. I got another one, y'know. She's a beautiful blonde puppygirl, small and soft. Me and my cat gf have been going on mall dates with her, and holing up in our trailer to makeout and watch anime. I worry we are all shirking lots of responsibilities. I'll start school up again next month so I have till then to fool around! And it'll be really fun cause one of my girlfriends will also still be in classes. Both my girlfriends are sooooo cool, I could gush about them all day!!!!!!!!!! MQ is my cat gf, she's a Pisces. She's taller than me (hot) with really thick black hair that always gets in my face when we kiss!!! <3<3We have been dating for almost 2 years now. She's 23, makes badass low-brow outsider comic art, and wants to make movies (hot). Also she likes old cartoons and stuff, like TMNT and Extreme Dinosaurs. She is also really into pet care, so we have a ton of children... three snakes, three geck

past day or two

 Still a lot of settling and things to get done with the trailer. Its hard to not get caught up in all those things, when there;s still bigger fish to fry. Its late, every day feels so full no matter what I do. i want to have a schedule, to level out, to get out of survival mode. We did laundry the old-fashioned way, throwing it all in a kiddie pool then hanging it up on Marlo's leash runner. He wasn't that happy about not being able to roam about the yard for a few days. But there's a huge field right across the street, so it should be fine. We had chicken, biscuits, honey and broccoli for dinner. I met up with Takala to give them back a water bottle. I've been stressing about money a ton lately. I'm surrounded by good people right now. There's friends I haven't been as good about keeping in touch with lately , it's really hard with no privacy. It means the world when they reach out to me, especially this past month, I feel so lucky to have

loving it

 I'm obsessed i;ve been coding for days now. trying not to spam by posting alot and then ghosting for months, as that is what i tend to do. I've been away from the rest of the internet for awhile, i don't really want to return. I like having my own webcage corner, decentralizing the algorithims feels like i'm doing some form of anarchy. I'm drinking right now after doing some chores around the trailer. I dumped the greywater today. Waiting on my wolf pack to get back so I can start dinner. Its crazy, i swore off all of this for at least a few years. Guess there's other plans in store for me.  I'll start classes again in March. For now I'm hoping to pour as much into this place as wolfly possible. Maybe it'll gain traction, fuck social media, i dont care about money or fame or attention. I just have to open the valve to somewhere, anywhere, just some place in the world . I'll be vulnerable skinless and let folks come to see and I won't be hurt