past day or two

 Still a lot of settling and things to get done with the trailer. Its hard to not get caught up in all those things, when there;s still bigger fish to fry. Its late, every day feels so full no matter what I do. i want to have a schedule, to level out, to get out of survival mode. We did laundry the old-fashioned way, throwing it all in a kiddie pool then hanging it up on Marlo's leash runner. He wasn't that happy about not being able to roam about the yard for a few days. But there's a huge field right across the street, so it should be fine.

We had chicken, biscuits, honey and broccoli for dinner. I met up with Takala to give them back a water bottle. I've been stressing about money a ton lately. I'm surrounded by good people right now. There's friends I haven't been as good about keeping in touch with lately , it's really hard with no privacy. It means the world when they reach out to me, especially this past month, I feel so lucky to have people who worry for me. My next website goal is to get the cinema up and running!!! Okay goodnight 


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