end of march ramble (been a party animal SORRY MOM)

 yeah yeah its been a month whatever. all day here to myself while cat gf is off running errands, which of course takes 10x longer cause of bureaucracy and brokeness. I decided i was so texas homesick i couldn't get anything done for a while. Planned a last second trip back. I have been partying all month..... sleep got screwed but its back on track now. My cat gf's bday went awesome, everyone came over to old sister's house and we grilled while cat gf got a tattoo of our baby boy Sphinx cat Nigel. Got pretty buzzed and gone. Oh man and the day before that, Dog gf's older sister came to town and took us out on her dime! got us like 4 rounds! AND CALZONES!!!! Shit gets really bad like really bad but then it gets better sometimes. We went to a reptile expo the other day, saw some amazing guys. I got bit by a scared rosy milk snake, poor thing. Cat GF saw an 8Ball python, i didnt see it but it sounded insane. Dog GF found some new baby ratties, getting sold by some dykes so overall a good sign. She cried when she found them, and had to take home 3. I'm so glad, seeing both the girls so happy was a joy for me. My mental issues have been in flux due to the tight living, and being back in a place i never wanted again (small living situation with my partner and dog and enmeshment) but for some reason i just. let that shit happen to me i guess>>>> whatever. i go crying at the fields across the way. This part of town is so gorgeous. We are getting chickens in the next few weeks. I registered for Spring classes, i'll be in writing and watercolor. I miss all my friends back home so much. I wish it didn't feel so awkward, like i was a far off thing and touching down for a bit after so long. but am so grateful that i get to. i'll face it all with a brave heart and just go


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