loving it

 I'm obsessed i;ve been coding for days now. trying not to spam by posting alot and then ghosting for months, as that is what i tend to do. I've been away from the rest of the internet for awhile, i don't really want to return. I like having my own webcage corner, decentralizing the algorithims feels like i'm doing some form of anarchy. I'm drinking right now after doing some chores around the trailer. I dumped the greywater today. Waiting on my wolf pack to get back so I can start dinner. Its crazy, i swore off all of this for at least a few years. Guess there's other plans in store for me. 

I'll start classes again in March. For now I'm hoping to pour as much into this place as wolfly possible. Maybe it'll gain traction, fuck social media, i dont care about money or fame or attention. I just have to open the valve to somewhere, anywhere, just some place in the world . I'll be vulnerable skinless and let folks come to see and I won't be hurt by any judgement perceived or actual. I love you all 


Currently listening: Sleater-Kinney's new album


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