
Showing posts from September, 2024

Summer's End

   hello it has been awhile, a whole summer honestly. i've done a lot of things since last talking here. We ended up moving out to the country. Brought my trailer, n my gf is living in the studio so I get my own space. We have a couple dozen chickens and dont need to pay for eggs anymore which is poggers. I was in texas for July, saw some shows. Me and my GF got dumped by puppygirl so im wading through those feelings (week in bed, guitar covers, yknow.). I went to Makah Days festival again. Spent money I didnt have and didnt really get to do all the things I wanted to do, like see the Slahal or traditional dances, cause I was on my sister's time, and she had a lot going on she needed to get back home to. Its cool though, I saw some lighthouses on the drive back which for me has always symbolized a nod from the universe that I'm on the right path, that theres better things ahead. I still feel crazy a lot of the time, like my emotions and body dont match or arent real. My rel