
Showing posts from April, 2024

Fright end post

 oh god my months have flown by, i have been getting fucked up and letting the rain fucking pour. I visited Texas over spring break, it had been a year. I never know if its a mistake or not to go back. I miss my family and thats always what fuels it initially. Then i get so scared when I arrive and fritter all my time away with my friends. Whom I also miss dearly. I love my nicky girl she lets me crash with her. more cozy there than at my parents'. She has a trundle just for me. And my Furfags who let me crash at their house; we walked up the road to a Christmas themed bar, drinks are cheaper in texas. Love those guys so much. I was a mess most of the time, had scored k and come off a week of other shit before even going, and the whole idea was last minute. I dont know if I feel the need to chronicle everything here that happened, it mostly feels quite private. I saw friends bands play, ate some yum food, got real. somehow it was also all the hardest and worst. When I came back to